Can You Freeze Mint? A Comprehensive Guide

Mint is a versatile herb that adds a fresh and invigorating flavor to a variety of dishes and drinks. From mojitos to mint chocolate chip ice cream, mint is a staple ingredient in many kitchens. But can you freeze mint to keep it fresh for longer? This is a question many people ask when it comes to preserving this fragrant herb.

Freezing is a common method of preserving food, including herbs. However, not all herbs are suitable for freezing, and mint is no exception. In this article, we will explore the suitability of mint for freezing, and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to freeze, thaw, and use frozen mint.

Can You Freeze Mint?

Freezing is a process that stops the growth of bacteria and yeast, and slows down the oxidation process, which can cause food to spoil. During the freezing process, the water in the cells of the mint freeze, which can cause the cells to burst, resulting in a loss of flavor and texture. This is why some herbs, such as basil and cilantro, do not freeze well and become mushy and flavorless when thawed.

When it comes to mint, the answer to the question of whether you can freeze it is a bit more complicated. Mint contains a high amount of volatile oils, which are responsible for its flavor and aroma. These oils can dissipate during the freezing process, causing the mint to lose its signature fresh and bright flavor.

However, mint is more resistant to the effects of freezing than some other herbs, and can still be used effectively in cooking and drinks when frozen. The key to successful freezing of mint is to prepare it properly and to use it within a reasonable amount of time.

Preparing Mint for Freezing

To prepare mint for freezing, you should start by washing and thoroughly drying the sprigs. You can dry the mint by laying it out on a clean kitchen towel, or using a salad spinner. Drying the mint is important, as any moisture left on the leaves can cause the mint to become moldy during the freezing process.

Once the mint is dry, you can either freeze the sprigs whole, or chop the mint and freeze it in an airtight container. When choosing a container for freezing mint, it’s best to use a freezer-safe plastic bag or a container with a tight-fitting lid. This will help to prevent freezer burn and keep the mint fresh for as long as possible.

When it comes to freezing chopped mint, you have a couple of options. You can freeze the chopped mint in a single layer, spreading it out on a baking sheet and placing it in the freezer. Once the mint is frozen, you can transfer it to a freezer-safe container or bag. This method is best if you plan to use the mint in recipes that require a small amount, such as dressings or sauces.

Another option is to freeze the chopped mint in ice cube trays. Simply place a small amount of chopped mint in each compartment of the ice cube tray and cover with water. Once frozen, you can pop the mint cubes out of the tray and store them in a freezer-safe container or bag. This method is perfect for adding a burst of fresh mint flavor to drinks like lemonade or iced tea.

How to Use Frozen Mint

When you’re ready to use your frozen mint, you’ll need to thaw it first. The best way to do this is to place the frozen mint in a strainer and rinse it under cold water. This will help to remove any ice crystals that may have formed on the surface.

Once thawed, you can use the frozen mint in cooking and drinks just as you would fresh mint. However, it’s important to note that the texture and flavor of frozen mint will be slightly different from fresh mint. The leaves may be a bit softer and the flavor may not be as bright, but it will still add a pleasant minty taste to your dishes.

When using frozen mint in cooking, it’s best to add it towards the end of the cooking process to minimize the impact on the flavor and texture. You can also add a small amount of frozen mint to sauces, dressings, and marinades, or use it to top off dishes like grilled vegetables or roasted meats.

Alternatives to Freezing Mint

If you don’t have access to a freezer, or simply prefer not to freeze your mint, there are other methods of preservation that you can try. One option is to dry the mint. Simply tie the sprigs of mint together, and hang them in a dry, well-ventilated area for several days until they are completely dry. Once dry, you can crush the leaves and store them in an airtight container.

Another option is to store the mint in vinegar. Simply place a few sprigs of mint in a glass jar and cover with white or apple cider vinegar. Store the jar in the refrigerator, and the mint will stay fresh for several weeks. You can also add other herbs, such as rosemary or thyme, to the jar to create a unique infused vinegar.

Finally, you can store mint in oil. Simply place a few sprigs of mint in a glass jar and cover with a neutral oil, such as canola or grapeseed oil. Store the jar in the refrigerator, and the mint will stay fresh for several weeks. This is a great option for using mint in cooking, as the oil will absorb the flavor of the mint.


In conclusion, freezing mint is a great option for preserving this fragrant herb for later use. While the flavor and texture may be slightly different from fresh mint, frozen mint can still add a delicious minty taste to your cooking and drinks.

To ensure the best results, be sure to prepare the mint properly and to use it within a reasonable amount of time. If you prefer not to freeze your mint, there are alternative methods of preservation, such as drying, storing in vinegar, or storing in oil, that you can try.

Regardless of the method you choose, preserving your mint will help to ensure that you always have this tasty herb on hand.

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