Can You Freeze Applesauce? Tips & Methods

Applesauce is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide variety of recipes. Whether you use it in baked goods, as a topping for oatmeal or yogurt, or simply enjoy it on its own, having a stash of homemade applesauce in your freezer can be incredibly convenient. But can you actually freeze applesauce? In this blog post, we’ll explore this question in depth and provide you with step-by-step instructions for freezing and thawing applesauce.

Can You Freeze Applesauce?

The short answer is yes, you can freeze applesauce. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when freezing applesauce.

First, it’s important to use fresh applesauce that has been properly prepared and stored. If your applesauce has been sitting in the fridge for several days, it may not freeze as well and may develop off flavors or textures.

Additionally, freezing applesauce can affect its texture, so it may not be ideal for all recipes. For example, frozen applesauce may not work as well in recipes that call for a specific texture or consistency.

On the other hand, there are many benefits to freezing applesauce. For one, it can extend the shelf life of your applesauce, allowing you to enjoy it for several months instead of just a few days. Additionally, freezing applesauce can help preserve the flavor and nutrients of the fruit, making it a great option for those who want to enjoy fresh, homemade applesauce all year round.

How to Freeze Applesauce

If you’ve decided to freeze your homemade applesauce, here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Prepare the applesauce: Before freezing, make sure your applesauce is fresh and free of any mold or spoilage. You can also add any additional spices or sweeteners at this point, if desired.
  2. Portion the applesauce: Divide the applesauce into small, airtight containers or freezer bags. Be sure to leave a little bit of room at the top of the container or bag to allow for expansion during freezing.
  3. Label and date the containers: Write the date on the containers or bags so that you can keep track of how long the applesauce has been in the freezer.
  4. Freeze the applesauce: Place the containers or bags in the freezer and freeze for several hours or until solid.

It’s important to note that you should avoid freezing applesauce in glass jars or containers, as they can break or shatter in the freezer. Instead, opt for plastic containers or freezer bags that are specifically designed for freezing.

Tips for Freezing Applesauce

While freezing applesauce is a relatively straightforward process, there are a few tips and tricks that can help ensure success:

  • Use fresh applesauce: As mentioned earlier, it’s important to use fresh applesauce that has been properly prepared and stored. This will help ensure that the applesauce freezes well and maintains its flavor and texture.
  • Use the right container: As noted earlier, it’s best to use plastic containers or freezer bags that are specifically designed for freezing. This will help prevent freezer burn and other issues that can affect the quality of the applesauce during freezing.
  • Leave some headspace: When portioning the applesauce into containers or bags, be sure to leave a little bit of space at the top to allow for expansion during freezing.
  • Freeze in small portions: Freezing the applesauce in small portions can make it easier to thaw and use as needed. This can also help prevent waste, as you can thaw only what you need instead of having to thaw a large batch all at once.
  • Label and date the containers: As noted earlier, it’s important to label and date your frozen applesauce so that you can keep track of how long it has been in the freezer.

Thawing Frozen Applesauce

When you’re ready to use your frozen applesauce, it’s important to thaw it properly to ensure that it maintains its flavor and texture. Here are a few methods for thawing frozen applesauce:

  • Refrigerator thawing: This is the safest and most reliable method for thawing frozen applesauce. Simply transfer the container or bag of frozen applesauce to the refrigerator and let it thaw slowly. Depending on the amount of applesauce and the temperature of your refrigerator, this can take several hours to a day or more.
  • Room temperature thawing: If you’re short on time, you can also thaw frozen applesauce at room temperature. Simply remove the container or bag from the freezer and let it sit at room temperature until it thaws completely. However, this method is less reliable and can result in uneven thawing or even spoilage.
  • Microwave thawing: If you’re in a hurry, you can also thaw frozen applesauce in the microwave. Simply transfer the frozen applesauce to a microwave-safe bowl and heat it on low or defrost setting, stirring occasionally, until it is thawed. However, this method can result in uneven heating and may affect the texture of the applesauce.

Uses for Frozen Applesauce

Now that you know how to freeze and thaw applesauce, you may be wondering what to do with all that frozen applesauce! Here are a few creative ways to use frozen applesauce:

  • Baked goods: Frozen applesauce can be a great addition to muffins, cakes, and other baked goods. Simply thaw the applesauce and use it in place of fresh applesauce in your favorite recipes.
  • Oatmeal or yogurt topping: Thawed applesauce can be a delicious and healthy topping for oatmeal or yogurt. Simply spoon the thawed applesauce over your breakfast and enjoy!
  • Smoothies: Frozen applesauce can also be a great addition to smoothies. Simply blend the thawed applesauce with your favorite fruits and yogurt for a delicious and nutritious drink.


Freezing applesauce can be a great way to extend its shelf life and enjoy fresh, homemade applesauce all year round. While there are a few things to keep in mind when freezing applesauce, such as using fresh applesauce and the right container, following the tips and instructions in this blog post can help ensure success. With a stash of frozen applesauce in your freezer, you’ll be able to whip up delicious baked goods, smoothies, and more in no time!

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