How To Thin Out Cheese Sauce: Tips and Methods

Cheese sauce is a delicious and versatile addition to many dishes, from macaroni and cheese to nachos and dip. However, sometimes the sauce can be too thick or gloopy, making it difficult to spread or dip. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, don’t worry – there are several ways to thin out cheese sauce and achieve the perfect consistency. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most effective methods for thinning out cheese sauce and offer tips for getting it just right.

Reasons for Thick Cheese Sauce

Before we get into how to thin out cheese sauce, it’s important to understand why your sauce might be thick in the first place. Here are a few common reasons:

Using too much cheese

While it may be tempting to add extra cheese to your sauce for a richer flavor, too much cheese can make the sauce thick and difficult to work with. If you find that your cheese sauce is too thick, try reducing the amount of cheese you use and increasing the amount of liquid.

Overheating the sauce

Cheese sauce can become thick and gloopy if it’s overheated, which can cause the cheese to separate and the sauce to curdle. To avoid this, heat your cheese sauce slowly over low to medium heat and stir frequently to prevent burning or scorching.

Letting the sauce sit too long

If you’ve made your cheese sauce ahead of time or let it sit on the stove for too long, it can thicken as it cools. To avoid this, reheat the sauce slowly and add more liquid as needed to thin it out.

Ingredients to Thin Out Cheese Sauce

When it comes to thinning out cheese sauce, there are several ingredients you can use to achieve the perfect consistency. Here are a few of the most common:


Milk is a popular choice for thinning out cheese sauce, as it adds a creamy texture and doesn’t alter the flavor of the sauce. To use milk, simply add a small amount at a time and stir until the desired consistency is reached.


Cream is a richer and more indulgent option for thinning out cheese sauce. It adds a luxurious texture and flavor to the sauce, but it can also be more high in calories. To use cream, add a small amount at a time and stir until the sauce reaches the desired consistency.


Broth can add flavor to your cheese sauce while also thinning it out. Chicken or vegetable broth work well, but you can use any type of broth you prefer. Add a small amount at a time and stir until the desired consistency is reached.


Water is a simple and convenient option for thinning out cheese sauce, but it doesn’t add any flavor or texture to the sauce. To use water, add a small amount at a time and stir until the sauce reaches the desired consistency.


Wine is a flavorful option for thinning out cheese sauce, especially for dishes that pair well with wine. White wine is a good choice for lighter sauces, while red wine can add richness and depth to heavier sauces. Add a small amount at a time and stir until the desired consistency is reached, being careful not to add too much wine and overpower the flavor of the cheese.

Methods to Thin Out Cheese Sauce

Aside from using different ingredients, there are also several methods you can use to thin out cheese sauce. Here are some of the most effective:


One of the easiest ways to thin out cheese sauce is to simply whisk it. Use a wire whisk to vigorously whisk the sauce, which will help break up any lumps and make it smoother. This method works well if your cheese sauce is only slightly too thick.

Adding Liquid

As mentioned earlier, adding liquid is a common method for thinning out cheese sauce. Whether you use milk, cream, broth, water, or wine, add a small amount at a time and stir until the sauce reaches the desired consistency. Be careful not to add too much liquid, as this can make the sauce runny or dilute the flavor.

Adding a Roux

A roux is a mixture of flour and fat that is used as a thickener in sauces and soups. Adding a roux to your cheese sauce can help thicken it up and create a smoother texture. To make a roux, melt butter in a saucepan and stir in an equal amount of flour until smooth. Cook the roux for a few minutes, then gradually whisk in the cheese sauce until it’s fully incorporated.

Adding Cheese

While adding cheese can make your sauce thicker, it can also help thin it out if you use the right type. A mild cheese like Monterey Jack or mozzarella can be added to a thicker cheese sauce to help thin it out and create a smoother texture. Add the cheese slowly and stir until fully melted and incorporated.

Tips for Thinning Out Cheese Sauce

Thinning out cheese sauce can be a delicate process, so here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Start with a small amount of liquid or cheese and gradually add more

It’s easier to add more liquid or cheese than it is to take it away, so start with a small amount and gradually add more until the desired consistency is reached.

Stir frequently

Stirring your cheese sauce frequently while adding liquid or cheese will help prevent clumps and ensure a smoother texture.

Don’t overheat the sauce

As mentioned earlier, overheating your cheese sauce can cause it to thicken and curdle. Heat the sauce slowly over low to medium heat, stirring frequently, and remove it from the heat as soon as it reaches the desired consistency.

Experiment with different ingredients and methods

There are many different ingredients and methods you can use to thin out cheese sauce, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you and your recipe.

In Conclusion

Thinning out cheese sauce is an important skill to have for any home cook, and there are several effective methods and ingredients you can use to achieve the perfect consistency. Whether you use milk, cream, broth, water, wine, a roux, or a combination of these, be sure to start with a small amount and gradually add more until the desired consistency is reached. With a little practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to create perfectly smooth and delicious cheese sauce every time.

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