The 7 Best Substitutes for Red Leicester Cheese

Red Leicester cheese is a popular cheese known for its distinctive orange color and nutty, tangy flavor. It’s a versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes, from grilled cheese sandwiches to mac and cheese. However, if you can’t find Red Leicester cheese or if you’re looking for a substitute due to dietary restrictions or personal preferences, there are plenty of other cheeses that can work just as well. In this article, we’ll explore the 7 best substitutes for Red Leicester cheese.

What is Red Leicester Cheese?

Red Leicester cheese is an English cheese that is made in a similar manner to Cheddar cheese. However, it differs in texture, having a crumbly consistency and a deep, russet red color. Typically, Red Leicester is aged for 6 to 12 months before it is sold.

Unlike cheddar, Red Leicester has a unique flaky and silky texture with a milder flavor profile. It boasts nutty and sweet notes with a citrus finish that makes it a delicious addition to any dish. The cheese is moister than cheddar, with an open interior that gives it its distinctive crumbly texture.

When cooking with Red Leicester, it can be used as a replacement for cheddar in many dishes. It also melts well, making it a great option for sauces or gratins. Whether you’re making a classic grilled cheese sandwich or a flavorful mac and cheese, Red Leicester cheese is a versatile ingredient that will add depth and complexity to any dish.

Best Red Leicester Cheese Substitutes

1. Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar cheese is a popular cheese that’s often used as a substitute for Red Leicester cheese. It has a slightly sharper flavor than Red Leicester but has a similar texture and melts well. Cheddar cheese comes in different varieties, from mild to extra sharp, so you can choose the one that best suits your taste.

Cheddar cheese is a versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes, from grilled cheese sandwiches to mac and cheese. It’s also great in salads and as a topping for baked potatoes. If you’re using cheddar cheese as a substitute for Red Leicester cheese, make sure to choose a variety that’s similar in flavor and texture.

2. Double Gloucester Cheese

Double Gloucester cheese is a hard cheese that’s made from cow’s milk. It has a creamy texture and a slightly nutty flavor, making it a great substitute for Red Leicester cheese. Double Gloucester cheese also has a similar orange color to Red Leicester cheese, which makes it a visually appealing substitute.

Double Gloucester cheese is great on cheese boards or as a snack, but it also works well in dishes like soups and stews. It melts well and adds a rich, creamy flavor to any dish. If you’re looking for a substitute that’s slightly milder in flavor than Red Leicester cheese, Double Gloucester cheese is a great choice.

3. Lancashire Cheese

Lancashire cheese is a crumbly cheese that’s made from cow’s milk. It has a slightly tangy flavor and a creamy texture, making it a great substitute for Red Leicester cheese. Lancashire cheese is also a good choice if you’re looking for a cheese that’s lower in fat than Red Leicester cheese.

Lancashire cheese is great in dishes like grilled cheese sandwiches, cheese and onion pie, and cheese toasties. It’s also a good cheese to use in salads, as it adds a tangy flavor and crumbly texture. If you’re using Lancashire cheese as a substitute for Red Leicester cheese, make sure to choose a variety that’s similar in texture and tanginess.

4. Colby Cheese

Colby cheese is a semi-hard cheese that’s made from cow’s milk. It has a mild, creamy flavor and a slightly tangy aftertaste, making it a good substitute for Red Leicester cheese. Colby cheese also melts well, making it a great cheese to use in dishes like grilled cheese sandwiches and quesadillas.

Colby cheese is a versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes. It’s also a good cheese to use in recipes that call for a mild cheese, as it won’t overpower the other flavors. If you’re using Colby cheese as a substitute for Red Leicester cheese, make sure to choose a variety that’s similar in texture and tanginess.

5. Wensleydale Cheese

Wensleydale cheese is a crumbly cheese that’s made from cow’s milk. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a creamy texture, making it a good substitute for Red Leicester cheese. Wensleydale cheese is also a good choice if you’re looking for a cheese that’s lower in fat than Red Leicester cheese.

Wensleydale cheese is great in dishes like cheese and onion pie, cheese toasties, and cheese boards. It’s also a good cheese to use in salads, as it adds a tangy flavor and crumbly texture. If you’re using Wensleydale cheese as a substitute for Red Leicester cheese, make sure to choose a variety that’s similar in texture and sweetness.

6. Red Cheshire Cheese

Red Cheshire cheese is a semi-hard cheese that’s made from cow’s milk. It has a slightly crumbly texture and a tangy, nutty flavor, making it a good substitute for Red Leicester cheese. Red Cheshire cheese also has a similar orange color to Red Leicester cheese, which makes it a visually appealing substitute.

Red Cheshire cheese is great in dishes like cheese and onion pie, cheese toasties, and grilled cheese sandwiches. It also works well as a topping for baked potatoes and in salads. If you’re using Red Cheshire cheese as a substitute for Red Leicester cheese, make sure to choose a variety that’s similar in flavor and texture.

7. Vegan Red Leicester Cheese

For those who are vegan or lactose intolerant, finding a substitute for Red Leicester cheese can be a bit more challenging. However, there are several vegan cheese options available on the market that can provide a similar taste and texture to Red Leicester cheese.

One such option is vegan Red Leicester cheese, which is made from plant-based ingredients such as coconut oil, nutritional yeast, and cashews. This vegan cheese has a similar orange color and slightly nutty flavor as traditional Red Leicester cheese, making it a great substitute for those who want to enjoy the taste of Red Leicester cheese without dairy.

Vegan Red Leicester cheese can be used in a variety of dishes such as vegan grilled cheese sandwiches, pizzas, and salads. It also melts well, making it a great option for vegan mac and cheese recipes.


Red Leicester cheese is a versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes. However, if you can’t find Red Leicester cheese or if you’re looking for a substitute due to dietary restrictions or personal preferences, there are plenty of other cheeses that can work just as well.

Cheddar cheese, Double Gloucester cheese, Lancashire cheese, Colby cheese, Wensleydale cheese, Red Cheshire cheese and Vegan Red Leicester Cheese are all great substitutes for Red Leicester cheese. Whether you’re making a grilled cheese sandwich or a mac and cheese, these substitutes will add delicious flavor and texture to your dishes.

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