How to Store Sake: Tips for Maintaining Quality and Flavor

Sake is a Japanese rice wine that has become increasingly popular worldwide. It is a delicate and complex drink that requires proper storage to maintain its quality and flavor. In this article, we will explore the factors that affect sake storage, the best practices for storing sake, the types of containers that can be used, and answer some frequently asked questions about sake storage.

Understanding Sake Storage

There are several factors that affect sake storage, including temperature, light, and humidity. Understanding these factors is essential to maintaining the quality of your sake.


Sake should be stored at a cool, consistent temperature. Ideally, sake should be stored at a temperature between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius (50-59 degrees Fahrenheit). It is essential to avoid significant fluctuations in temperature, as they can cause the sake to spoil. For example, storing sake in a location that experiences significant temperature changes, such as near a window, can cause the sake to spoil quickly.

It is also important to note that storing sake at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) can cause the sake to lose its aroma and flavor. Freezing temperatures can damage the sake, so it is crucial to avoid storing sake in a freezer.


Light exposure can be harmful to sake. Sake should be stored in a dark place to prevent the sake from being exposed to light. Light exposure can cause the sake to oxidize, which can negatively impact its flavor and aroma.

It is essential to avoid exposing sake to direct sunlight or fluorescent light, as these types of light can be particularly harmful to sake. Storing sake in a cabinet or a dark place in your home is the best way to prevent light exposure.


Humidity is another important factor to consider when storing sake. Sake should be stored in a place with moderate humidity, around 70% relative humidity. Humidity that is too high or too low can affect the quality of the sake.

If the humidity is too low, the sake can evaporate, causing it to lose its flavor and aroma. If the humidity is too high, it can cause the sake to spoil quickly. To maintain the ideal humidity, it is recommended to store sake in a cool, dark place with moderate humidity levels.

How to Store Sake

Now that you understand the factors that affect sake storage, it’s time to learn how to store sake properly. Here are some best practices for storing sake:

Temperature and Environment

As previously mentioned, sake should be stored at a cool, consistent temperature. Avoid storing sake in a location that experiences significant temperature changes or direct sunlight.

When storing sake, it is important to keep it away from any items that emit heat, such as appliances or light fixtures. These items can cause the temperature to rise, which can spoil the sake.

Sake should be stored in a location that has good ventilation, as poor ventilation can cause the humidity levels to rise, which can spoil the sake. The ideal location for sake storage is a cool, dark place with moderate humidity levels, such as a closet or a basement.

Light Exposure

As previously mentioned, sake should be stored in a dark place to prevent light exposure. To keep sake safe from light, it is recommended to store it in a cabinet or a storage box that blocks out light. If you do not have access to a dark storage area, you can use a sake bag or a towel to wrap the sake bottle, which will help to prevent light exposure.


As previously mentioned, moderate humidity levels are important for storing sake. To maintain the ideal humidity, you can store sake in a location with natural humidity, such as a basement or a wine cellar. If you do not have access to a natural location with the right humidity levels, you can use a humidifier or a dehumidifier to control the humidity levels in the storage area.

Containers for Sake Storage

There are several types of containers that can be used for sake storage. The two most popular containers are sake bottles and ceramic containers.

Sake Bottles

Sake bottles are the most commonly used container for storing sake. There are several types of sake bottles, including glass bottles, ceramic bottles, and plastic bottles. When choosing a sake bottle, it is important to select one that is designed for storing sake, as this will ensure that the sake is protected from light and air.

It is also important to choose a bottle that is the right size for your needs. If you plan to drink the sake within a few days of opening the bottle, a smaller bottle may be sufficient. If you plan to store the sake for an extended period, a larger bottle may be necessary.

Ceramic Containers

Ceramic containers are another popular option for storing sake. Ceramic containers have several advantages over sake bottles, including better temperature control and better protection from light and air.

When using a ceramic container for storing sake, it is important to choose a container that is designed for storing sake. The container should be glazed to prevent air from entering and to prevent the sake from sticking to the sides of the container.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can sake be stored?

The length of time that sake can be stored depends on several factors, including the type of sake and the storage conditions. In general, sake can be stored for up to six months if it is stored properly.

Can sake go bad?

Yes, sake can go bad if it is not stored properly. If the sake is exposed to heat, light, or air, it can spoil quickly. Spoiled sake will have a sour or vinegar-like smell and taste.

How can you tell if sake has gone bad?

If sake has gone bad, it will have a sour or vinegar-like smell and taste. The color of the sake may also change, becoming darker or cloudier than normal.

Can you store sake in the refrigerator?

Yes, sake can be stored in the refrigerator. However, it is important to note that storing sake in the refrigerator can affect the flavor and aroma of the sake. If you choose to store sake in the refrigerator, it is recommended to remove it from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before serving to allow it to come to room temperature.

How long can sake be stored after it has been opened?

Sake can be stored for up to a week after it has been opened if it is stored in the refrigerator. However, it is best to consume the sake within a few days of opening the bottle to ensure that it maintains its quality and flavor.


Sake is a delicate beverage that requires proper storage to maintain its quality and flavor. When storing sake, it is important to consider the temperature, light, and humidity levels in the storage area. Sake bottles and ceramic containers are the most commonly used containers for storing sake, and it is important to choose a container that is designed for storing sake to ensure that the sake is protected from light and air.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can store sake properly and ensure that it maintains its quality and flavor. Remember to keep sake in a cool, dark, and humid environment, and choose a container that is designed for storing sake. With proper storage, you can enjoy the delicate flavors and aromas of sake for months to come.

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